Quotes – May 2023


May 2023

All global politics is based on merchandising and wealth to overthrow individuals, to overthrow nations, and to overthrow the world. – Michael Haigh

Re: A Christian: ‘a man who instead of asking, Who is my neighbor always asks, To whom may I be a helpful neighbor? – Adolph Saphir (1831 – 1891)

Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

The United States is NOT a democracy, it is a Republic. In order to sustain a constitutional republic, one must first OBEY the Constitution, and this little accepted fact is the reason why the United States is not a republic but is NOW a full-blown totalitarian regime with an invisible unknown head directing its demise. – Michael Haigh

Mark the position of believers: until we make our home in the Father’s house, He makes His home in us. – J. N. Darby (1800 – 1882)

Those who crave power to control others are those who have no power to control themselves. – Mary Haigh

All that is fairest, finest and firmest resides in the infinite, ineffable Christ. – Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown)

The Body that was prepared of God WAS and IS the righteousness of God which cannot be equaled in any other. The Body that was prepared for Him WAS and IS all the wisdom of God in all knowledge and understanding from the beginning to the end. The Body that was prepared for Him was to make Him the great Sanctifier, for no one else can separate us from the ungodliness of the world, and from ungodly man. Michael Haigh

Almost all doctrinal error, is, really, truth perverted, truth wrongly divided, truth disproportionately held and taught. A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

Your first business is not to do, but to believe. – C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

The attack to confuse the differences between male and female is not a current assault but is a planned aggressive maneuver against God’s natural order. – Mary Haigh

We, as Christians, are neither here to represent the world, nor to change the world into a moral paradise for this is impossible. – Michael Haigh

Remember thy Saviour descended that he might ascend: so, must thou also stoop to conquer; and if God bids thee stoop, should it be to the very lowest hell, remember, if he bids thee stoop, he will bring thee up again. C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

The most important time in ALL of the creation was THAT TIME when the Creator gave Himself for His own creation. – Michael Haigh

It is not biology that defines man, it is God who defines man. – Mary Haigh

Originally, man was made in the image and likeness of God, but today we are asked to believe in a god made in the image and likeness of man. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

You cannot live in the strength of another Christian. You can learn from another Christian, you can be encouraged, you can battle side by side, but you cannot share his weapons when in battle. Every Christian has his own sword, his own breastplate of righteousness, his own shoes, his own shield, and his own helmet. – Mary Haigh

What was hard to bear is sweet to remember. -Portuguese proverb

The professing church not only has no knowledge of the holy, but it also has no respect for the holy. – Michael Haigh

In divine worship, giving God’s glory to another will awaken God’s fury to assert his right, vindicate his righteousness, and destroy those that forsake him to set up something else in his place. – Jonathan Edwards (1703 -1758)

Self is the opaque veil that hides the Face of God from us. A. W. Tozer (1897 – 1963)

Man will get his greatest desire to live forever. He will live forever in glory with the Lord of glory, or forever in the fires of judgment. – Michael Haigh

There is a remedy for everything; it is called death. – Portuguese proverb

WOKENESS is a creation of evil to control the bodies, the minds and the souls of DEAD men fantasizing that they are really alive. – Mary Haigh.

A bygone eternity knew no other future; an eternity to come shall know no other past. That death was the world’s crisis. – Sir Robert Anderson (1841 – 1918)

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