Quotes – October 2018 –

October 2018

To critics of the Bible: ‘no one has any right whatever to offer an opinion on a matter with which he is unacquainted.’ – C. H. Macintosh

Man has so degraded himself that he can no longer identify himself as a man. – Michael Haigh

The smallest measure of faith can bring supernatural results. – Michael Haigh

Why . . . . did God give the law? In order that man might, through transgressions, learn his real condition. – J. N. Darby

The Bible is a supernatural document held in place by a supernatural Man that was given to us by a supernatural God. – Michael Haigh

It is both presumptuous and unreasonable to affirm that God is unable to supply a communication to mankind which is lacking in the marks that would authenticate it as coming from Himself. Cannot Deity legible inscribe His signature on the work of His own hand. – A. W. Pink

Our total being is unique for we have become a person within a person. We are a new race of people, a people of divine beings called the sons of God. This is one of God’s mysteries. – Michael Haigh

Why do many attempt to prove the authenticity of the Word of God by using man’s standard, when man’s standard cannot even authenticate whether a person is a man or a woman? – Mary Haigh

Why go to the back of the horse to hear his voice?- Cowboy Proverb

The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people. – Ghanaian Proverb

If I am looking for holiness in view of acceptance, it is not really holiness I want, but it is righteousness. People call it holiness, but it is not really so. There is no proper holiness until there is certainty of salvation. – J. N. Darby

One family builds the wall, two families enjoy it. – Chinese Proverb

True experience: A newcomer to our neighborhood was hosting a get acquainted party. At the bottom of the invitation were the initials’ B.O.B. — so I took my Bible. What an entrance! My neighbors are still talking about it years later, and that’s a good thing. – Mary Haigh

Live near to God, and so all things will appear to you little in comparison with eternal realities. – McCheyne

Those who live in the Lord never see each other for the last time. -German Proverb

God has often forgiven sinners, but He never forgives sin; the sinner is only forgiven on the ground of Another having borne his punishment; for ‘without shedding of blood there is no remission.’ – A. W. Pink (Romans 9:22, Leviticus 17:11)

. . . the delusion that man seeks must be permitted to him. – F. W. Grant

As the sin of Adam could not hurt us unless he had been our head by way of generation, so the righteousness of Christ cannot enrich us unless He be our head by regeneration. – A. W. Pink

The liberal American people have murdered their children, and now they want to murder their nation. – Michael Haigh

It is shocking to reflect that a change in the weather has more effect on some men’s lives than the dread alternative of heaven or hell. – Spurgeon

Put on the whole armor of God for tomorrow may be your turn to be in the cage with Satan. – Michael Haigh

Nothing could be saved of the first man but dust. – Michael Haigh

Rejection is a positive in the walk of God. – Michael Haigh


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