Addendum #1 to the Study of the Book of Ruth

   This addendum is but a minor addition to the book of Ruth (‘satisfied’). It is very easy reading with only four chapters, and 85 verses, but what depth in typology, symbolism, and prophecy. In the words ‘kinsman,’ ‘redeemer,’ and ‘barley harvest’ we have the Holy Spirit of God building on these words to reveal the One who will come as the Kinsman Redeemer, and the Provider.


Quotes – November 2023

The true history of mankind, that is what man IS, can only be told by God! For mankind is a perpetual liar, he lies about himself, he lies about his history, he lies about his actions, he lies about his sin, and most of all he lies about the Almighty God. Michael Haigh. Also quotes by Charles J. Rolls, J. B. Stoney and others.