Quotes – January 2019
The first tree had one condition given by God: to not partake of that tree or die. The second tree had one condition: partake and live. – Michael Haigh
The first tree had one condition given by God: to not partake of that tree or die. The second tree had one condition: partake and live. – Michael Haigh
Grrrrr . . . find out why my hair is thinning!
God hath taken a marvelous way to manifest His love. When He would show His power, He makes a world. When He would display His wisdom, He puts it in a frame and form that discloses its vastness. When He would manifest His grandeur and glory of His name, He makes a heaven, and puts angels and archangels, principalities and powers therein. And when He would manifest His love, what will He not do? God hath taken a great and marvelous way of manifesting it in Christ: His Person, His blood, His death, His righteousness. – Ralph Erskine – (1685-1752)
In the Christian realm there are many warriors, but there are few men of valor. – Michael Haigh
Read quotes by Spurgeon, C. H. Macintosh and others
Nothing could be saved of the first man but dust. – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by others.
All sin has its roots in disobedience. – Samuel Ridout   Read quotes by C. H. Spurgeon, J. N. Darby and others.
Those who have free seats at a play hiss first. – Chinese Proverb — Other quotes by J. N. Darby, Spurgeon and others.
As God gave Adam the image of Christ in Adam’s creation, so Christ took on the image of flesh to atone for all of man’s sin, and to give us the image of Christ. – Michael Haigh
Read other quotes by J. N. Darby, C. H. Macintosh and others.
The first man was created in a garden, lived in a garden, and died in a garden. The Creator prayed in a garden, was betrayed in a garden, and was buried in a garden. – Michael Haigh
Read other quotes by Saphir, Darby, and others.