Quotes – April 2019

Adam did not leave the garden joyfully. He was driven out by the hand of God because God could not look upon Adam and Eve (and all of humanity) except through the covering of the sacrifice that He Himself had made. – Michael Haigh

Other quotes by J. N. Darby,  Hudson Taylor, George Whitefield and others.


Quotes – December 2018

God hath taken a marvelous way to manifest His love. When He would show His power, He makes a world. When He would display His wisdom, He puts it in a frame and form that discloses its vastness. When He would manifest His grandeur and glory of His name, He makes a heaven, and puts angels and archangels, principalities and powers therein. And when He would manifest His love, what will He not do? God hath taken a great and marvelous way of manifesting it in Christ: His Person, His blood, His death, His righteousness. Ralph Erskine – (1685-1752)