Quotes – January 2020
The Cain syndrome is essentially seen in mankind placing his accomplishments and achievements as worth something to a righteous and holy God.– Mary Haigh – Also quotes by others.
The Cain syndrome is essentially seen in mankind placing his accomplishments and achievements as worth something to a righteous and holy God.– Mary Haigh – Also quotes by others.
We, all mankind, have come full circle (not in the circle of love, but in the circle of rebellion and hatred against a righteous God). This circle spins around the insane desire to be as god. Our earthly father (Adam) desired to be as god knowing good and evil, and . . . here we are today knowing good and evil, but unable to discern the difference between good and evil. – Mary Haigh – Also quotes by others.
He (God) governs the universe, and yet, He can occupy Himself with the provision of a covering for one of His creatures. He guides the angel’s flight and takes notice of a crawling worm. He humbles Himself to regulate the movements of those countless orbs that roll through infinite space, and to record the fall of a sparrow. – C. H. Macintosh (1820 – 1896) –  Also quotes by others,
This Christian dispensation differs as essentially from the future as it does from the past. – Sir Robert Anderson – (1841 – 1918)Â Also quotes by many others.
Adam was so unique that God gave Adam a different heart then all the other creatures, a different soul, and a different spirit. Adam’s heart, soul, and spirit were to reflect the mind, and thought of God within his inner being; therefore, the very image of Adam outwardly (the things that are seen) and inwardly (the things that are unseen) would reflect the image of God. – Michael Haigh
Also quotes by many others . . .
The law of carnal commandments was not given until Moses, however, the law of sin and death was given BEFORE the fall of Adam. – Michael Haigh –Â Other quotes by John Owen, Adolph Saphir, C. H. Macintosh
The Law makes known the will of God; grace reveals the heart of God! – A. W. Pink – Also quotes by Billy Sunday, Adolph Saphir and many others.
Why did God accept Abel’s sacrifice? God accepted his sacrifice because Abel offered the life of another. That is the foundation of God’s redemptive plan. God provided Himself as the only acceptable offering for sin. – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by Sir Robert Anderson, Charles J. Rolls, R. A. Torrey, and others.
In Cain we see utter insensibility to man’s having been driven out of paradise, to sin, to the curse: he brought to God the very sign of the curse. — J. N. Darby – Other quotes by Sir Robert Anderson, R. A. Torrey, F. B. Meyers, and others.
Adam did not leave the garden joyfully. He was driven out by the hand of God because God could not look upon Adam and Eve (and all of humanity) except through the covering of the sacrifice that He Himself had made. – Michael Haigh
Other quotes by J. N. Darby, Hudson Taylor, George Whitefield and others.