Quotes – September 2021
No one can be caught in places he does not visit. – Proverb source unknown . –Â Also quotes by Charles J. Rolls, J. B. Stoney and others.
No one can be caught in places he does not visit. – Proverb source unknown . –Â Also quotes by Charles J. Rolls, J. B. Stoney and others.
Sin became the evolution of mankind: not from beast to man, but from mankind to beast. – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by Adolph Saphir, Charles J. Rolls, C. H. Macintosh, and others.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. – Cree proverb – Also quotes by J. N. Darby, Charles J. Rolls and others.
War does not always decide who is right but it always decides who is left!- Proverb source unknown. Also quotes by Charles J. Rolls, A. W. Tozer, and others.
The safest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket. – Proverb Source Unknown – Also quotes by Darby, Spurgeon, Saphir and others.
As fast as laws are devised, their evasion is contrived. – German Proverb –Â Also quotes by J.N. Darby, A.W. Pink, and others.
Mankind was unable to judge sin because of the sin that was in him. Thus, sin shaped and sculptured the history of mankind. – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by Tozer, C. A. Coates, Charles J. Rolls, and others.
The simplest things in nature are full of divine secrets. We miss them because we so little care to find them. – F. W. Grant.- Also quotes by Charles J. Rolls, J. N. Darby and others.
Satan never figured on a God of grace. Satan never figured on a God of mercy. Satan never figured on a God of ultimate love. Satan never figured on a God who would offer HIMSELF for the sin of the whole world. – Michael Haigh –Â Also quotes by C. H. Macintosh, A. W. Tozer, and others.
Each and every person must have a personal faith. There is no such thing as a saving collective faith. – Michael Haigh –Â Also quotes by Charles J. Rolls, A. W. Tozer and others.