Quotes – July 2021

Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. Cree proverb – Also quotes by J. N. Darby, Charles J. Rolls and others.


Quotes – January 2021

Satan never figured on a God of grace. Satan never figured on a God of mercy. Satan never figured on a God of ultimate love. Satan never figured on a God who would offer HIMSELF for the sin of the whole world. Michael Haigh – Also quotes by C. H. Macintosh, A. W. Tozer, and others.


Quotes – October 2020

When sin came into the world, humanity became divided into three parts: the woman was separated from the man; the man was separated from the woman; and both man and woman were separated from God. Michael Haigh – Also quotes by Tozer, Anderson and others.