Quotes – November 2017
 Enoch in his day was ready . . . . I do not think his departure created a gap in the political or social circles of the day. He had been outside all that for hundreds of years. – C. A. Coates
 Enoch in his day was ready . . . . I do not think his departure created a gap in the political or social circles of the day. He had been outside all that for hundreds of years. – C. A. Coates
. . . . the delusion that man seeks must be permitted to him. – F. W. Grant
A beautiful bird is the only kind we cage. – Chinese proverb
Creation, as it sprang into being through the Word, was not a meaningless jumble, but a declaration of the power and wisdom of God. – F. B. Hole
Our lives are neither the product of blind fate nor the result of capricious chance. – A. W. Pink
The man who claims to be the boss in his own home will lie about other things as well. – Amish Proverb
Also quotes from J. N. Darby, Charles Spurgeon, Michael Haigh, Blaise Pascal
If rich people could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living. – Yiddish Proverb
Quotes by C.A. Coates, J. B. Stoney, and others . . .
When money speaks the truth is silent. – Russian Proverb
Quotes by D. L. Moody, George Whitefield and others . . .
God gives the birds their food, but he does not throw it into their nests. –Greek Proverb
Other quotes by Spurgeon, J. B. Stoney, C. H. Macintosh and others . . . .
Voting in a democracy is like choosing which hand to put in the fire, there are only two choices — right or left. What is absent from the choice? God is absent. – Michael Haigh  Â
Quotes by F. E. Raven, J. N. Darby, J. B. Stoney, and others . . .