Quotes – October 2017


October 2017

Faith never means gullibility. The man who believes everything is as far from God as a man who refused to believe anything. –Tozer

The TV is a mirror, when it is off it reflects your image, and when it is on it also reflects your image. Mary Haigh

Where ever the sin of man takes him be assured the cloud of the death is not far behind. – Michael Haigh

If we had any true sense of the holiness of God it would tell in our houses, in our ways, and in our demeanor. – F. E. Raven

Your psychological and spiritual well being is better and stronger if you control your environment. Consider well who you invite into your home: every television personality, actor, script writer, and news agent is a guest in your home, and you control who enters and who leaves. – Michael Haigh

. . . . are we not prone to confine our thoughts of Christ to what He did for us to the virtual exclusion of what He is to God? C.H. Macintosh

In our modern age of Christianity it is not what man has given up for God, but what man wants God to give up for him. – Michael Haigh

To critics of the Bible: ‘no one has any right whatever to offer an opinion on a matter with which he is unacquainted.’ – C. H. Macintosh

It is both presumptuous and unreasonable to affirm that God is unable to supply a communication to mankind which is lacking in the marks that would authenticate it as coming from Himself. Cannot Deity legible inscribe His signature on the work of His own hand. – A. W. Pink 

Why . . . . did God give the law? In order that man might, through transgressions, learn his real condition. – J. N. Darby

We live in a land of professionals: professional dreamers, and professional screamers. – Mary Haigh

The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people. – Ghanaian Proverb

If I am looking for holiness in view of acceptance, it is not really holiness I want, but it is righteousness. People call it holiness, but it is not really so. There is no proper holiness until there is certainty of salvation. – J. N. Darby

One family builds the wall, two families enjoy it. – Chinese Proverb

True experience: A newcomer to our neighborhood was hosting a get acquainted party. At the bottom of the invitation were the initials B.O.B. — so I took my Bible. Mary Haigh

Live near to God, and so all things will appear to you little in comparison with eternal realities. –McCheyne

Those who live in the Lord never see each other for the last time. –German Proverb

God has often forgiven sinners, but He never forgives sin; the sinner is only forgiven on the ground of Another having borne his punishment; for ‘without shedding of blood there is no remission.’ – A. W. Pink (Romans 9:22, Leviticus 17:11)

. . . . the delusion that man seeks must be permitted to him. – F. W. Grant

As the sin of Adam could not hurt us unless he had been our head by way of generation, so the righteousness of Christ cannot enrich us unless He be our head by regeneration. – A. W. Pink

If you are searching for the understanding of the Bible and still have no understanding, I suggest that you stop going from one translation to the next mistranslation and go instead to the Author of the Word of God, and ask Him for clarity of thought, clearness of vision; instead of asking Him for a new translation ask Him for a new heart, a new spirit, and new eyes that have been renewed by a new spiritual birth. – Mary Haigh

It is shocking to reflect that a change in the weather has more effect on some men’s lives than the dread alternative of heaven or hell. –Spurgeon

Put on the whole armor of God for tomorrow may be your turn to be in the cage with Satan.- Michael Haigh

The words ‘fret not’ are found only 4 times in the entire Bible:

Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. (Psalm 37:1)

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. (Psalm 37:7)

Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.(Psalm 37:8)

Fret not thyself because of evil [men], neither be thou envious at the wicked; (Psalm 24:19)


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